External Degree
Programme 2010/2011
Supplementary – 2011/ 2012
Second year
Examinations for the degree of Bachelor of Education (Arts)
ECT 201: Educational
Media and Technology
Date: July 16,
2011 Time:
2.30 p.m -4.30 p.m
Q1. a) Define the term communication in a teaching
and learning context. (2marks)
b) Discuss how you can apply Berol’s
model of communication teaching (10
c) Outline the criteria and equipment you
use to select media and equipment for effective communication in
d) Identify at least three electronic
media that you in teaching purposes (3 marks)
e) List three advantages of using electronic media in teaching your
subject (3 marks)
Q2. a) Using relevant example
discuss relationship between verbal and non-verbal communication in teaching
and learning process.
(8 marks)
b) Discuss at least three communication
barriers in teaching and learning context and explain how you would minimize
the barriers in your teaching.
(12 marks)
Q3. a) Discuss at least six
principles that govern the use of media teaching. (12 marks)
b) Identify at least three types of
printed media materials. (3 marks)
Q4. a) Explain the meaning of the
following terms.
Closed system (2
Supra system (2 marks)
Sub system
(2 marks)
b) Explain four advantages of system
approach to teaching and learning process.
(8 marks)
c) As a manager of a school, describe three
stages of problem solving that you would apply to solve problem in your
(6 marks)
Q5. a) Identify five common forms
of community study that you would use in teaching. (5 marks)
b) Describe the procedure you would
follow to plan leaning through community study. (15 mark)